Last day of First Grade….and Preschool

Our school year ended months ago, but I wanted to be sure and update about our 2011-2012 school year. It was a great day when we were officially done. When our 180 days were complete. I am not quite sure who was more excited. I regret that I didn’t get a last day of school picture. Oh well! This season of my life is a little chaotic.

It is hard to believe that Jake is no longer a first grader and that Judd is finished with Preschool. This year I continued using Abeka for Jake and I believe that it is a super thorough curriculum for phonics and math. It can get boring an mundane but it is so great for teaching the foundations of phonic and arithmetic.

This time last year, Judd asked me to teach him to read. I told him that we would spend the year learning to read and that is what we did this school year. Judd is now reading and he loves it. He is anxious to learn more during his Kindergarten year.

We have also thoroughly enjoyed Classical Conversations this year. We began with a community in TN, but transferred in January to our new Community in Georgia. It has been a great transition and a wonderful group. CC adds so much to our homeschool experience. I can’t say enough good things about Classical Conversations.

I love teaching my kids. I love having them home with me. I realize that the days go by so fast and  at this point I can’t imagine them being gone for most of the day. However, I must admit there are days that I question our decision to keep them home, but I know that God has called us to this for this season of our lives.  I believe my main struggle during these days is having my spunky Sadie. I am anxious to see how our next year will flow since she will only be napping during the afternoon.  

I am so thankful for and love the relaxing days, swimming, playing, traveling, and the fun of summer. It refreshes my soul.

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