Jake: 6 years ago you changed our lives forever. We went from being a couple, to being a family. 6 years. My first born, I can’t remember today what it feels like to hold that little chubby hand with those sweet cheeks. It happened without me knowing, and I try so hard, but I can’t remember what it feels like to squeeze that sweet baby chub. It is gone from my memory. How is that possible? I wipe away happy tears as I sit here watching you play Mario on the Wii, a rare Sunday afternoon treat since after all today is your special day, and I remember back on how fast this time has flown. And if it weren’t for who you are now- honest, helpful, a leader, silly, I would be sad today. Well, maybe I am still a little sad. Time sometimes seems like an enemy, doesn’t it?
When you were born you weighed 7.1 lbs and now you weigh 58.2 lbs and you are 47 3/4 inches. I am utterly amazed a how quickly you are growing. As of right now, you are wearing a size 7 pants because all of the size 6 pants are entirely too short.
We are getting close to the end of your Kindergarten year. This year has been a pure joy! I have enjoyed teaching you. I have enjoyed having you are home with me each day. I have needed and appreciated all of your help since Sadie was born. You are an amazing big brother and best friend to your siblings. My heart melts when I see you loving, playing and holding Sadie. I couldn’t ask for a better son. You are so giving and thoughtful. Yes, you can drive me absolutely nuts,making random noises, touching and invading others personal space, but you are an awesome kid with a kind heart. God had blessed me in a huge way on February 27, 2005 when he allowed me to become your Mommy! Please don’t ever stop learning about and pursing Jesus. Remember when you are afraid you can trust Jesus! I love to see you reading your Bible and memorizing the Word each week for AWANA. Your brain is truly amazing. I am sure that I have left out so much but know that I love you, Jacob Clayton and I am so proud of you.
Jake, remember a good Bible is the most important possession you have. It is the most important book you will ever read. It is God’s book. My hope is that you will read it for yourself and love that book, not because your parents are standing over you, asking you to read it, but because God puts a desire in your heart to know Him and His word. That would be such a joy to me.
A Whole Hand + 1 Finger
This post is just a bit late:
A momentous occasion occurred in our house on Sunday. Jake now has to use a whole hand plus + 1 finger on the other hand to count his age. Two hands, does it really take two hands now?
Friday night we celebrated his birthday at Cordova Bowling Center. He has been planning a bowling party since February of last year. It was a lot of fun and he really enjoyed his birthday party. For Christmas, he received Super Mario Brothers for the Wii. He and Judd have a lot of fun playing during their designated times each weekend. This is one of his favorites so he asked to have a Super Mario cake this year.
Since his birthday was on a Sunday this year, he was fortunate enough to get to go to church, decide where we got to eat after church and then home for cake and presents. He received a lot of games this year, and we have throughly enjoyed playing all of them as a family.
If you look closely you can see that he was given some money! He was excited!
As we pray for continued wisdom, guidance and understanding from God in parenting you. We also pray for your future and your walk with God! Enjoy this year!
Wow…I just cried like a baby when I read that.
Stephanie, How sweet and thoughtful. I loved it. Mom