Gas vs Diesel

This morning while we were waiting for Jim at church Jake went into Anna Kate’s class to visit with her and her teacher. A few minutes later several of the preschool ladies were laughing very loudly. One came and got me and told me to go talk to Anna Kate’s teacher because she had a story to tell me.

Here’s the story:

Sally (name changed to protect identity):-), Anna Kate’s teacher, was holding Anna Kate and she began to smell something. She said “Anna do you have a dirty diaper” and after completing the one finger diaper check she realized Anna Kate was still clean. She then said, “Anna Kate did you have some gas.” Jake said “huh” so Sally being funny looked a Jake and said ” Well, Jake did you have some gas”

Drum roll….
Jake said “No, I have diesel”

Will you be my friend?

I can’t believe I now have a Facebook. I think this is SO Funny. I am not sure how much I will do with it, but it is an interesting thing. How weird is it to “ask people to be your friend?” I don’t remember the last time I had to ask someone to be my friend. Will you be my friend? “check yes or no.”

Time to update…

WOW! It has been awhile since I last posted. I have so much to say, but I have been a busy lady chasing the boys around and feeding Anna Kate.

Last weekend Nana came to stay with us and help Jim take care of the babies while I went on a Women’s Retreat with some of the ladies from Crosspointe. I had a great time on the retreat. I loved hanging out with the ladies and hearing Priscilla Shirer teach the Word.

I came home on Saturday afternoon and we decided to let Nana give Judd his first hair cut. He did very well. Here are some pictures of my big boy.

Friday Favorites

  1. Little boys that can hear
  2. Buying gas for $3.44
  3. Getting a little bit of rain, but not to much
  4. Watching a movie with my man while the little ones sleep
  5. 90 degrees vs 106 degrees
  6. Making new friends and talking to old ones
  7. Only having 4 more baby lbs to lose:-)
  8. Flip-Flops
  9. Receiving flowers from my mom after two long weeks:-)
  10. Knowing the God is in control even when I feel like everything is out of control

“Comment Me” a Memory

This was on my friend Kate’s blog so I thought I would play along:
Who’s going to be my friend and play along:

Comment Me A Memory…..
Come on, take a moment to think. (You know you want to.)

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I’ll assume you’re playing the game and I’ll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don’t want to play on your blog, or if you don’t have a blog, I’ll leave my memory of you in my comments.

My Boys and Tubes

My day started at 4:15 am. Jim and I got up and prepared to have the boys ready to leave for the hospital at 5:00 am. Today is the day we have been looking forward to for six weeks. Both of our boys were scheduled to have tubes put in their ears at 8:00, and of course that means we had to be at the hospital at 6:00 am. Could someone please tell me why you have to be there 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery?

Both of the boy’s surgery went very well. We dreaded the nurses taking them to the OR but they both walked away with the nurse and neither one of them cried. It was so great! Here is a picture of them walking around in their gowns. Aren’t they adorable!

This is Jake playing with his mask while his is waiting to go back.

This Jake walking back.

I must admit recovery was the hardest part. The nurses called me back for Judd and he was very confused and upset. He didn’t stop crying until he got cup of ice.

Jim went to get Jake and he was crying and complaining. They both have minor infections so they are on one more round of antibiotics. Hopefully, this will be the last for a while. Even with the difficult recovery I must admit the whole experience wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be after talking to people.

They slept for a few hours when we got home and after lunch they were running around like “my boys.”

Summer Vacation Part 2-Jackson Lake

We arrived at Jackson Lake on Saturday. Sunday morning Jim preached at Rock Springs and we had some friends come visit us. It was great to see the Cleghorns and the Biebers.

We spent the rest of the week on the lake riding the jet-ski, in the boat, or just hanging out the all the babies. It was a wonderful vacation.

Here are a few pictures from our time at Jackson Lake.


This is post 101! I can’t believe that I have posted 101 times. That isn’t a lot compared to many people, but I think it is a good milestone to celebrate. I think that I am going to try to make my blog into a blurb at the end of this year. (Hint: This is a good Christmas gift idea:-))

Have a great day! Thanks for reading all of my 101 posts!

By the way, I have 101 posts and 352 comments! I wonder how long it will take me to get 500 comments???

Summer Part 1-Elko

I can’t believe that summer is coming to an end. It seems like school was over just last week and now all of the kids are going back tomorrow. I am amazed at how quickly time flies.

This is a recap of the Perdue summer.

July 3 we left and went to Georgia for vacation. We spent a few days at my mom’s in Elko and then we went to Jackson Lake to spend some time with Jim’s family. We loved being home and seeing our family.

These are pictures from the few days in Elko. My dad and aunt came over one day to take the boys fishing.It was hot and the fish were not biting so it wasn’t a good experience for them, but I had a great time.

Digging For Worms