Being 6 months…

Little Bit,  you are six months old! …Half of a year!… I’ll be honest and say that these months have felt like the longest and yet the shortest six months of my life.

My sweet, dainty little girl,  I cannot express the joy that you bring to your father and me. I have watched you sprout from a tiny little newborn into a long and lean baby girl.  Seeing you get excited by new sounds, sights and touches has been one of my favorite things to see.  You have gotten pretty stable with sitting up, we’ve started solid foods, you are crawling and trying to standing.   We have moved you to your room upstairs. You are still waking up at least once a night.

Girl you love to eat! You are eating food once or twice a day. You have such a spark in you.  It’s as if you have too much going on in that head of yours to just sit still.  Personally, I think you are wise beyond your months.  But of course I do… I’m your mama.  I’m so happy to say that I’m your mama.  

Pretty girl at Southern Eastern Seminary
 Yummy Food!

You are amazing at Ta Daa!

Sadie Grace Dedicated

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” 
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Earlier today, Jim and I had the honor of standing before our church congregation and dedicating our precious fourth born, Sadie Grace, to the Lord. Today we not only dedicated her, we willingly submitted Sadie to the will of God, while at the same time acknowledged the command of God upon our lives to raise her to love, honor, and obey Christ above all things. This is nothing less than a command to teach her the Gospel, show her the Gospel, and love her with the Gospel each and every day. Jim and I are so thankful to have been entrusted with the care of this precious little girl, and we take our responsibility to bring her up to love and serve the Lord seriously.

We are absolutely in awe of the gift that God gave our family in you. You bring your daddy, mommy, big brothers and sister such joy each and every day. It is hard to comprehend that as great as our love is, God’s love for you is infinitely greater! We have so many hopes and dreams for you, Sadie, most importantly that you would come to understand His amazing love and know Jesus as your Lord and Savior at a young age and live for Him your whole life. We pray that God would help us as your parents to model that love and guide you always toward Him. We can’t wait to see what wonderful things He has in store for your life. We love you so, so much, Precious Girl!

To My Mom:

My Mom is a remarkable woman and an amazing Mom! 

It was 32 years ago that you were celebrating your first Mother’s Day. You were only 20 years old and I was only 2 months old. I am sure that I was sleeping through the night with a belly full of formula and rice cereal, no doubt. This is my Mother’s Day present to you this year. 32 years later:

You are an incredible woman and an amazing MOM! You exhaust yourself taking care of those around you and you truly only want what is best for those you love. You give of yourself tirelessly without expecting anything in return and you find true joy in the happiness of your children. 

You have always been a great source of strength for Colt and me. While growing up we knew we could always count on you and now as adults, we still turn to you for advice, support and encouragement.

Mom, you always place our needs above your own and make sure that we are well provided for and that we always have what we need. Thank you for always striving to make us feel important and showing us how much we are loved. I cannot think of an instance when I have ever doubted your love for me. 
Thank you for always giving of your time, your energy.  Thank you for always knowing what I need, even when I don’t know it myself.  Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.  Thank you for being you.

I count myself blessed because it is a honor to have you as my Mom. I am so thankful God created me and allows me to be your daughter. I count it a great joy to spend the rest of our lives not only as mother and daughter, but as friends.

Happy Mother’s Day!
We love you!
Jim, Stephanie, Jake, Judd, Anna Kate, and Sadie!

p.s. I chose the picture above and not the one from the blizzard at our house! You know that you love me!

Thankfulness #209-228

I am thankful for 

209. Living He loved me
210. Dying He saved me
211. Buried He carried my sins far away
212. Rising He justified
213. One day He’s coming
214. new Easter outfits
215.10 more days of school
216. growth and new life
217. Victory in Jesus
218. Jesus is alive and the tomb is empty
219. having Easter lunch with friends.

220. the flashlight Easter Egg hunt
221. seeing Sadie do a standing ta-daaah at six months old

222. capturing this sweet moment

 223. seeing Anna Kate “hide” from me. She thinks that I can’t see her.

224.  silly pictures

225. Our first strawberry harvest
226. Jake losing his second tooth. (Pic to come)

227. this smile
228. Bianca, our Compassion, child in Peru.

Thankfulness #193-208

193. the coos and gabbering of Little Sadie as she is going to sleep. She loves to “talk.”
194. Anna Kate turning 3.
195. a Fancy Nancy birthday party with 3 of Anna Kate’s girl friends at church.
196. being a mommy to two little girls.
197. a safe flight to Georgia
198. making it through security in Memphis with two girls, one stroller, and three bags.
199. a magnificent vist with my mom and the girls.
200. coming to Elko and seeing family. My Dad, Brother, Grandfather, Granny-Peggy all came to visit.

201. seeing one of my best friends, Kelli Sikes. We even had a sleep over and stayed up entirely too late.
202. that Sadie let me sleep in after I stayed up so late.
203. for my husband spending time with the “boys” while the “girls” were in Georgia.
204. my kids getting to spend time with and know their great granddaddy!

205. that God is still God and God is still good.
206. An Elko sunset

207. for Crosspointe choir and the dedication to record such an awesome, God honoring CD.
208. our first t-ball practice