This soccer season has been a lot of fun. Jim is coaching both of the boys. Jake and Judd are able to play on the same team this year and we have enjoyed watching Judd learn to play. Jake is also learning more, honestly, he is learning the difference between winning and losing this year. He has finally caught on to the concept.
My life is a Zoo!
Last week I bought a year membership to the Memphis Zoo. I debated if I wanted to spend the money but it really is the best deal for our family if we plan on going more than once.
Anna Kate’s 2nd Birthday
On April 9th, our baby girl turned 2. Can you believe 2?
She was not feeling well on her birthday. She ran a fever of 101 and 103 all day. She was just miserable and so were we. Thanks to Motrin she was able to enjoy the rest of the day and all of her presents. Thank you Stuart Adams who invented ibuprofen in the late 50s. (grin)
We ate KFC and then she ate her CAKE and ICE SCREAM! She loved it! This is her new smile that started the day before her birthday. It is hilarious!
Things that make you go hmmm….
Happy Easter 2010
This weekend has been full of Easter activities as we remember Jesus sacrifice and His resurrection.
We love have been hiding the Resurrection Eggs and going through the Easter story using the eggs as a great visual tool. This morning we made Resurrection Rolls for breakfast. This has become our Easter morning tradition.
This has been a great weekend and we have enjoyed sharing this wonderful season with the kids.
Here are a few pictures from the church Easter Egg hunt yesterday, church last night and church this morning.
If you remember when I turned 30, i decided to list a few goals for me to accomplish. I did fairly well but as you can see I didn’t get all of my verses memorized. However, I did memorize 13. I will be adding it to my list for this year. Also, the more I thought about the Home Management Folder I couldn’t decide if it would work for me right now. In addition to what I listed, I ran in the St. Jude Half-Marathon.
1. Memorize 24 verses (2 each month)
2. Run Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta on July 4th
3. Read the following books
The Heavenly Man 90 Minutes in HeavenDisciples of a Godly FamilyThere’s Gotta Be MORE!- Love and Respect
Don’t Make Me Count to Three One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven
5. Complete a Home Management Folder
6. Paint and Decorate the Playroom
7. Decorate the Living Room
8. Facilitate a Bible Study
10. Do a self-guided study through the Book of Proverbs
Year 31 Goals
1. Read through the Bible in 2010.
2. Memorize 24 verses this year.
3. Read the following books
- Crazy Love
- Forgotten God
- Family Driven Family
- From Clutter to Clarity: Simplifying Life from the Inside Out
- Grace-Based Parenting
- Devotions for Sacred Parenting
As you can tell, I am not going to be running this year and that is because I am having a BABY!
At five….
You still want to be like daddy. For your birthday, you received Georgia boots that look just like daddy’s. You are getting taller and wearing size six pants now.
You look more and more like daddy.
You are reading, writing, telling time, counting money and infatuated with numbers.
You are in your last year of Cubbies and you continuing to hide the Word in your heart.
You love soccer and recently basketball has become a new favorite sport . The Georgia Bulldogs are you favorite team and red is your favorite color.Of course, you are silly like other five year old boys!
Bike tricks are something you learned from the neighbors. Since you learned to ride without training wheels, when you were four, there has been no stopping you.
Since the day you entered our lives it has never been the same. You continue to grow into a mature young boy that amazes us at times. For weeks, I asked you to stay four but you told me that you “had to turn 5.”
You are a great big brother and I look forward to seeing you with the new baby. Our prayer is that you continue to see that your brother and sister are your best friends, that you are an example to them both and that you will choose wise decisions.
You have become much more sensitive and I pray that you will truly know and love the Lord, live out the fruit of the spirit and that it will become more than a fruit basket to fill every day.
This year will hold many changes for you and I pray that you will hold on to the truths that we are teaching you.
You are learning the difference between truth and make believe. Remember the Bible and all that it contains is the truth, which means Jesus is truth! Continue to hide these truths in your heart and love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength my son.
I am so thankful that God allowed me to be your mommy! You bring me joy and hope for the future!
And One More Equals Four!!!
As I mentioned in this post, Jim and I don’t celebrate valentines day but this year was extra special. Valentines morning I was able to tell Jim that we were pregnant with our fourth baby.
It didn’t take long for me to start feeling pregnant. At 5 weeks, I started getting sick. Not actually “getting sick” but my usual nauseous feeling all day and especially after I eat. Jim has been very helpful but very thankful that I have been sick.
On my birthday, March 19, we went for our first appointment and ultrasound. In just a few short seconds, we saw the little heart beating really fast at 180 bpm and then the little bean started moving and kicking. We have never seen any of the others move at this point in the pregnancy. It was so sweet. Although, Jim did jokingly tell it to move as much as possible in the womb because we need a calm baby to join our family in October.
Once we got home from the visit, we told the kids at lunch. They were all excited. Throughout the day they would ask me about the baby. Jake and Judd tell me it will be a boy and Anna Kate says girl. Before putting Anna Kate to bed, I asked her if mommy was going to have a baby and she proceeded to tell me “I am the baby” and then she said ” I am the little sister.”
On Sunday, we announced to the church using this picture.
The greatest gift you can give your children is siblings.
I will be sure to keep up updated throughout the next 7 months.
A Day at the Park
Jake Turns 5
Is it true? Can it be? This morning I opened my eyes and my first born turned five…..
Here are a few pictures from his party and his birthday. He wanted to have a Georgia Party so we ordered a bulldog cake. Ms. Arlene and Mr. Warren at did a great job. Once again, Jake wanted to have a pool party with just a couple of kids. This year Mema and Papa were able to join us for the festivities. He was happy that they were able to come up.