Goals Update

1. Memorize 24 verses (2 each month)-Regrettably, I haven’t done very well at completing this task. I am still working to memorize I am not happy with how it is going so far.
2. Run Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta on July 4th-I have been training since March 15. I was up to 4.7 miles on May 11. THEN and NOW I have Achilles Tendinitis. I have rested for a week and I tried to run this morning. It wasn’t to painful but I still felt pulling so I am not sure what I should do not. I can run on it but I don’t want to cause any permanent damage. I am icing it, resting and taking Motrin until Monday.
3. Read the following books- I am crossing books off of my list. Currently I am reading, “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven.”

  • The Heavenly Man
  • 90 Minutes in Heaven
  • Disciples of a Godly Family
  • There’s Gotta Be MORE!
  • Love and Respect
  • Don’t Make Me Count to Three
  • One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven

5. Complete a Home Management Folder
6. Paint and Decorate the Playroom- It was painted this week. Now I have to get it decorated.
7. Decorate the Living Room
8. Facilitate a Bible Study
10. Do a self-guided study through the Book of Proverbs

I am slowing crossing things off of my list. I am happy with my progress except for the verse memorization.

Happy Mother’s Day

Four years ago, I celebrated my first Mother’s Day. It is hard to believe that on February 27, 2005 at 8:38 a.m. my world changed and I became a mother.

Mommy and Jake

It did not take very long for me to realize that being a mother was going to be the most rewarding, hardest, most humbling, sanctifying job I would ever experience. There are many hard days. I still have so much to learn. There are days when all I can think is that I am a failure as a mother. Many nights I pray that God will shield my children’s eyes and memories from my failures and etch the traces of Jesus that they see into their minds forever. In the midst of the chaos, I am constantly reminded that the days are long but the years are short….

Mommy and Judd

I love being a mommy. I love it very the very first moment the test says “positive.” I love the pregnancy, feeling the baby move, the labor and delivery, holding the for the first time, smelling that sweet baby smell, changing those nasty little diapers, and even the sleepless nights. I love hearing mama wuv you. I having seeing my little girl smile so big when I walk in the room, the boys run to the door as I come in, and all of them hug me tight each night before going to bed. I love to watch them sleep. I love to feel the chubby hands of a two year old, the little boy hands of a four year old and I don’t think will get tired of having a little girl hanging on my hip. I am blessed.

Mommy and Anna Kate

I am so thankful that I get to be Jake, Judd and Anna Kate’s mommy!

Happy Mother’s Day!

New Rooms

Every time we start a project about half way through I remember that I wanted a before and after picture. Well once again I didn’t take any before pictures which upsets me. We are moving Anna Kate upstairs, Judd downstairs, and Jake to the front bedroom. Jake had new bedroom furniture which consists of bunk beds but I don’t want them sharing a room until Judd is atleast three. My baby, Judd, is still in a crib so I am not ready for him to experience the freedom yet plus he still naps and Jake is slowly weaning himself from naps. However, I still want Jake to have some quiet time, IN HIS ROOM.

Two Wheels

On April 21, an important event happened in our home. Jake learned to ride his bike without training wheels. If you ask him he says, “reout” we are not quite sure why he says reout or regot for forgot. Anyway, that is another post.

This started when he wanted to try and ride the neighbors bike who doesn’t have training wheels. Jim didn’t think he could do it. Jake jumped on and with a little help starting he was riding down the drive way into the cul-de-sac. After a few tries we decided to take the training wheels off of his bike and he has been going ever since. He is doing so well and we are so proud. Every time he falls he gets back up and keeps on riding. There have been quite a few scraps and bruises but he wants to keep on going. I am not positive but I think it has some thing to do with his competitive nature and the rest of the kids on the street ride without training wheels and do tricks.

Way to go, Jake!

My First 5k

Several years ago, I decided that when I turned 30 I wanted to run the Peachtree Road Race 10k in Atlanta on July 4. I am not a runner and I have never been able to run. I have always wanted to be able to run but I guess I didn’t think I had the disciple or endurance.

My goal in running the race is to “run” the entire race without walking not to “win.” Well this year I turned 30 and started training to run the Peachtree on March 15. Jessica Kenney and I have been running 4 times a week. The first week we would run for five minutes and walk for two minutes. I must admit those first five minutes seemed like eternity and now one month later we are running 3.5 miles. This has been very fun and so we decided to enter a 5k race.

We registered to run in the 5k 4kids race that we completed on Friday night. We wanted to experience a race prior to running in the 10k. Jim, the kids and I set out for Cordova on Friday night meeting up with the Kenney Family and Ms. Connie.

I was able to run the entire race and it was a great experience. I completed to race in 30:29. We, or should I say Jim, was fortunate that there was a park for the kids to play on while Jessica and I raced.

Here are some pictures of race night. Ms. Connie made flags for the kids to wave as we crossed the finish line. The Perdue Kids had UGA “G” flags and the Kenney Kids had Alabama “A” flags. Too Cute!

Jessica and I in line waiting on the race to beginAnna Kate playing on the slide while I was racing.
The boys waiting on the mommies to cross the finish line.

Getting close to the finish line…..
My biggest supporter waiting for me at the finish line.
My training partner, Jessica Kenney.
The whole gang…
The Perdue Family enjoy the live entertainment. Waiting on the results of the race.

***update*** The results were just posted and I came in 5th place in my age division.

GOOOOOO Crickets!

With all of the activities surrounding Easter and celebrating our Risen Savior we found time to sandwich in Jake’s first soccer game. His team is the Crickets. We find the name quite humorous but almost all of the teams are some type of insect. Very bizarre!

As soon as Jake found a few eggs at the Crosspoint Egg Hunt we rushed to the car changed clothes, hugged Papa Wayne goodbye, jumped in the car and quickly made our way to Valentine Park. Did I mention that the “we” is me and the three kids? Jim had to stay behind at the egg hunt to say good bye and do a few things before coming to the game.

SO… I pulled in the park and there were people and cars EVERYWHERE! Little people running up and down quite a few fields. I just kept looking for our precious little Crickets as I tried to find a place to park. Needless to say, I finally found a spot and wouldn’t you know that both Judd and Anna Kate had fallen asleep. As I got out I tried to figure out how I was supposed to get Jake to his team, two sleeping babies, three chairs, a stroller, a cooler, and a soccer bag to the correct field in less than 2 minutes. Just so happens I saw a family that had a little boy that played on our team and I asked them if they would take Jake over to the field for me as I figured out how to get the rest of the babies and stuff.

Step by Step:
Get stroller out
Get Judd out, but Judd doesn’t wake up… He is knocked out! I really needed him to walk so that Anna Kate could sit in the stroller.
Plan B
Judd goes in the stroller
Chairs attached to my back
Diaper bag and cooler go under the stroller
Anna Kate is once again attached to my hip.

I know that I must have looked like the National Lampoons Goes to the Soccer Field. It is really funny thinking back as I type all of this. Finally, I make it to the field just in time for the start of the game and wouldn’t you know here comes my awesome husband to help coach Jake. I just find the timing perfect. He didn’t get to see the pre-game comic relief.

Here are a few pictures of our first soccer game.

Judd did eventually wake up. He watched Jake for a minute then he and Anna Kate proceeded to eat all of the crackers I packed in the bag.

Jake enjoyed playing, however, I don’t think he really grasp the concept until the very end. He kept thinking someone was going to kick the ball to him. I am sure this will probably happen when he gets a little older, but at four its every player for himself/herself.

By the way, We Won! GO Crickets! Gooooo #10!

He is Risen!

This Easter was wonderful. We were able to start the weekend off celebrating Anna Kate’s birthday and spending time with my dad.

On Saturday, Crosspointe had its annual Easter Egg Hunt which started at 11:00. The boys enjoyed running after the eggs and Anna Kate was happy with her one little egg. I can’t imagine when they are all lined up and take off running without even looking back to see if mommy or daddy are nearby to help. I am thankful that Papa Wayne was here to help with one of them this year. I was with Anna Kate, Jim went with Jake and Papa Wayne chased Judd.

Crosspointe had a Saturday night service this year so after nap time we all got dressed to go to church…on a Saturday night! Our routine was a little out of sync to say the least. Here are pictures of the kids all dressed up for the first Easter Service.

Sunday morning we had a great service and I am so thankful that Easter does exist. I am thankful for a Savior that has risen and isn’t still lying in a borrowed tomb. I am thankful that I have life, an eternal life, because of His death on the cross. All to Him I owe…

A Visit from Papa Wayne

Papa Wayne, my dad, came to visit this week. He arrived on Anna Kate’s birthday and left on Saturday after enduring the Crosspointe Easter Egg Hunt. We really enjoyed having him here for a few days. I don’t think he knew what to expect before arriving, but in my opinion I think he enjoyed himself more than he thought he would. You have to remember he lives alone and then comes to visit a house full of lively little ones. It could scare a person.

Papa Wayne played “Guess Who” with Jake when he arrived although I am sure he would have preferred to take a nap after the long drive.

The days were busy and loads of fun. Papa Wayne and the boys went crawfish hunting in he creek in our back yard, on a walk to see the donkey up the street and
fishing at Crosspointe Lake where Jake caught 5 fish. They are already asking for Papa Wayne to come back very soon.

It was freezing at the lake, but Jake’s cheering section stayed out long enough to see him caught one fish. They decided to sit in the car and eat a snack while he finished fishing.

Papa Wayne and the Little Lady of the house.
Saying goodbye to Papa Wayne…..

Anna Kate’s B-Day Party

Anna Kate’s 1st Birthday party was very small. We celebrated at home and my dad was able to come visit for the weekend. Since Thursday was her birthday we celebrated that evening with presents, dinner and cake. We decided to let Anna Kate open presents first so that she wasn’t filthy after dinner and cake. She loved all of her presents, but I do believe that the cake was her favorite part of the evening. I wanted her first birthday party theme to be ladybugs. Ms. Arlene Mooney at Sweet Sensations made these adorable ladybugs for the guest and Anna Kate was given her own little cake. It was all so fun.

This is the only time she fussed. I think she wanted more cake:-)