I am thankful for
127. Being able to catching up with my awesome friend,Kelli, for a few minutes.
128. Counting down the days until Christine Barnes has her sweet baby boy, Logan.
129. The small blessings that Lucy Krull is able to have each day. Praying for this family!
130. Ahhh..!! A large sweet tea from McDonalds after another night without sleep!
131. Selection Sunday for the NCAA tournament.
132. Simple Perdue traditions: March Madness Brackets.
133. Judd filling out his first bracket.
134. The fun, laughter, teaching, learning, and growing friendship that happen in our home around sports.
135. Giggles flowing out of our boys’ bedroom at bedtime
136. Lunch with my family at the new Chick-fl-a in Millington.
137. A nap
138. A beautiful day at the park with friends.
139. An awesome birthday filled with quite a few surprises.
140. Gift cards for Chick-fli-a, McDonalds, Olympic, and Casa Mexicana for my birthday. All from my Momma. She loves me!
141. A mom that is always thinking of my needs. She knew that not having to cook dinner on stressful nights would be such a wonderful thing for my sanity and my bank account.
142. A husband who bought me a new lens for my camera. Love it!
143. New running shoes….!!! for my birthday!
144. A 1.5 run/walk on my birthday. It has been a long time.
145. A sweet service at Crosspointe on Sunday even though all of the lights and air were out for most of the service.
144. A new Sunday school that I have been visiting. God is working in that class!
146. Hearing Jim playing with Little Sadie Baby! He just said “Baby, I love you but you can’t eat my iPhone.”
147. Seeing my baby girl get on all fours and start rocking like she might start crawling. Is this really going to happen?
148. A quick date with my hubby to see the movie Grace Card.
149. Dairy-free Cookie Dough ice cream
150. Pulling weeds, planting seeds, playing outside with the kids. I love my life!
151. My hubby knowing the perfect scripture for me in a time of need. I knew it, but just needed a reminder. The Word makes all thing right: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
152. Hearing from my Pastor, that I am not in control it is just an illusion of control. The Lord is in control!
And This Little Piggy
Table Talk
Today we were all eating lunch together and enjoying a wonderful conversation. The boys started discussing that they were going to work on their AWANA Grand Prix car this afternoon. This is how the conversation proceeded and ended!
Anna Kate: I want to go.
Mommy: Not this time, just the boys are going. We are going to stay here and do girl stuff. What kind of girl stuff do you want to do tonight?
Anna Kate: Ummm
Judd: Well you can clean the whole house and do girl stuff like that…
Mommy: huh, (looking at and talking to Jim) You better teach that boy better!
What? Who taught him such language? It is quite interesting that he would say that since his daddy helps me clean the house all the time and the boys are always cleaning something to help.
That Judd! I love that boy!
Then Jake:
Jake just told me “I’m gonna keep praying about it.”
That Jake! I love that boy!
Blogiversary-March Madness is here again!
What significant sporting event happened yesterday? Long-time readers of this blog will know the Selection Sunday: the day when the college basketball teams are selected for the NCAA tournament.
But really, it’s not the winning or even the tournament that is important, is it? Traditions (yes, even sports traditions, ladies!) are a chance to make fun memories with my son and the rest of my family.
I love all the fun, laughter, teaching, learning, and growing friendship that happen in our home around sports.
Thankfulness #101-126
I am so thankful for:
101. Getting Scotch-Brite Pads for FREE today at Walmart!
102. For a Mom who likes to coupon shop! Too much time and effort for me! I wouldn’t have time to blog:-)
103. A husband who likes to read the Word to his boys! and girls!
104. Jesus loving and setting me free.
105. Jesus giving His life just for me.
106. Standing next to my six year old Sunday and hearing him sing, “Our God is Greater.” Pure joy!
107. The love my kiddos have for their siblings.
108. Catching my boys adoring their baby sister several times this week.
109. Hearing Jake read his first chapter book, Flat Stanley, this week.
110. Anna Kate’s love for girly things. She loves anything “pretty,” necklaces, watches, purses, and shoes.
111. Mommy sandwiches!
112. Sweet Sadie staying in the childcare without crying too much.
113. A day to get our garden ready to plant.
114. Anna Kate’s “my daddy.”
115. Sadie letting her brother play with her instead of crying every time he holds her.
116. A quiet house after a busy day.
117. My birthday is in 7 days.
118. That the boys are signed up to play baseball.
119. Cereal for dinner AGAIN tonight!
120. A healthy 12 lbs and 12 oz baby girl.
121. Watching my hubby baptize a friend this morning.
122. My four year old can be found napping at random places in the house.
3:22 p.m.
Thankfulness #76-100
76. The two hours of sleep that I am getting with my baby by my side, healthy and breathing God given air. Although, I would like more sleep, I am GOING to be thankful for these things.
77. His grace alone shall sustain and there will be grace enough tomorrow again.
78. Encouragement in the Word: Hebrews 4:16- Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
79. Spring coming.
80. We are 49 days away from the end of our school year. God help us to honor you as we finish these last months.
81. A first lost tooth
82. A six year old tell me that he wanted to give all of his money to AWANA Adopt a Club for missionaries.
83. A day to go to a homeschool convention.
84. Awesome neighbors
85. The beginning of a new month.
86. A new week to start spring cleaning….declutter..declutter…
87. The sweet smell of my 4 month sleeping beside me during a nap.
89. Tag Reading System keeping Judd and Anna Kate engaged while I give Jake a phonics test.
90. Tamiflu. Judd had the flu Wednesday and Thursday. Everyone except Sadie and me are on Tamliflu.
91. A quick phone call from the man of my dreams. I just love him so much.
92. An awesome message from my pastor, Jim Perdue, Sunday morning and evening.
93. A son who can take notes during one of his Daddy’s messages.
94. A kind lady in our church bringing us dinner this week. She just loves to bless our family. It sure is a blessing.
95. A quick Sunday afternoon nap.
96. A funny email from a friend.
97. My neighbor and step-son making a profession of faith Friday night.
98. Jim getting to lead a friend to Christ over lunch Wednesday.
99. Encouragement of other mom’s living this journey of motherhood with me.
100. A special group of women praying for me each month.
There is a time for everything….
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
I think we’re in a time of sickness!
Tonsils and Adenoids
He is showing us his really cool bracelets. |
Look at the light! |
Since we were in the peds section he was able to ride in a wagon all around the hospital. He thought it was fun! |
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His awesome Daddy even got to pull him. |
This is why we were having surgery! Can you see those! They were “4s.” |
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He was sleepy! |
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There isn’t anything that a little Angry Birds can’t cure. |
The nurse came to get him for surgery. He wanted to ride in the wagon again. |
This was the last time we were able to see him before surgery. He was such a big boy. |
This is our sweet baby in recovery just before we were allowed to pick him up. |
In Daddy’s arms eating his first popsicle. It was so sad for Jim and I to see him so disoriented and in pain. |
I love this little boy so much! Everyone tells us that after recovery he will feel great.